James F.

James F.

Joined on 03/07/10


Product Reviews
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Most Critical Review

Quality control issues?

BYTECC WE088 5 to 1 HDMI SWITCH, With Remote Control
BYTECC WE088 5 to 1 HDMI SWITCH, With Remote Control

Pros: Looks nice, like the rubbery coating on it.

Cons: The power input on the unit is broken.. only works when the cable is pushed down or otherwise fiddled with.

Overall Review: Also have a 25 ft HDMI cable on the output. This would NOT work. The cable works fine when hooked up directly to my PS3 but not when hooked up directly to my PC, so could just be a poor quality cable and not the switch itself (thought you'd think if it was a power/signal issue the powered switch should fix this.. but then maybe it's related to the issue above)