Jeremy I.

Jeremy I.

Joined on 05/27/09


Product Reviews
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Most Critical Review

A lot more misses than hits

D-Link DSR-150 8-Port 10/100 VPN Router with Dynamic Web Content Filtering
D-Link DSR-150 8-Port 10/100 VPN Router with Dynamic Web Content Filtering

Pros: Has lots of settings in the GUI that some home use routers don't include.

Cons: I work for a point of sale company and we have been using this router on all our installs for the past 9 months. When the router works, it seems to be a perfectly fine router. The problems I have come across with the router are the reason I needed to review this product. I have seen these as complete out of box failures, I have seen these lockup "brick" by upgrading the firmware (not using 3rd party, dlink's actual firmware update), Frequent and unexpected reboots, and the most common issue is the power light blinking (initializing) in excess of 5 minutes. When the router is "initializing" you can't use the internet, the systems that we install rely on an active internet connection so the random reboots coupled with long initialization times really puts a damper on business operations. We have since switched to a better more business class line of routers but I wanted to share the problems we have seen and warn others of possible issues before they purchase this router.

Overall Review: I don't typically give a negative review of a product but this one has been so flaky, I can only advise to stay away.