AutoFull is one of the world's best-known professional gaming chair brands. We are authorized official sponsor for International pro leagues including WCA,LPL, MDI, WCS, MDL and CSGO minor. And we've customized chairs for 30 top E-sports pro teams including RNG, NewBee, FW and more. TO FIGHT! TO WIN! Our belief in hardworking and ambition for gaming chairs attract and motivate many pro teams and gamers around the world.

Specializing in innovation and investment in R&D for over 10 years, AutoFull has developed a professional expertise R&D team, and has become an innovative leader in gaming chair and owns 22 design patents and patent for utility models.

We are always on the way to improve our products and service. AutoFull hopes to go forward hand in hand with all gamers to develop more professional and glorious gaming chairs.
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