Kenneth Z.

Kenneth Z.

Joined on 05/27/08


Product Reviews
product reviews
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Most Favorable Review

OUTSTANDING SOUND! 5.1 Channel PCI Surround Sound Card Adapter 5.1 Channel PCI Surround Sound Card Adapter

Pros: My old Sound Blaster FX somethingorother (8 years old) finally bit the dirt. So I switched to integrated sound on the motherboard and the sound would come out garbled. I'm studying for a certification and a garbled instructor is useless. So, I was forced to come to Newegg and get a new sound card. I saw this card right away and it had 5 eggs from all 6 reviewers who bought it. Kind of hard to ignore 5 egg products. Mind you I have a $15 pair of cheapo speakers, but all I need to do is hear sound. Nothing fancy like gamers or video freaks. Just sound. I pluged it in, installed the driver, restart, and I was instantly blown away by the sound quality! I never expected a $18 sound card do what this thing does! Supports front speakers and back speakers. And $15 cheapo speakers.

Cons: I had to install the card. Grrrrrr . . .

Overall Review: If your sound needs are minimal, this card will put a smile on your ears!

Makes All the Difference

X-Raypad TP5A ZeroFriction MouseSkates
X-Raypad TP5A ZeroFriction MouseSkates

Pros: MouseSkates seem to work with any kind of mouse pad. But the mouse pad these were intended for are "gamers" mouse pads, very hard, smooth surfaces, like glass. Google on IceMat for an example of a gamers mouse pad. MouseSkates + gamers mouse pad = a breeze will blow the mouse off the pad!

Cons: Price is too high.