Joe R.

Joe R.

Joined on 07/30/05


Product Reviews
product reviews
  • 2
Most Critical Review

Bad design

TekNmotion TM-CD400B1 400 CD / DVD Black Binder Case
TekNmotion TM-CD400B1 400 CD / DVD Black Binder Case

Pros: The plastic holders fit a DVD in them, and the binder could actually hold up to about 200 DVDs fine.

Cons: Do NOT purchase this product if you intend on filling it, when either side of the binder is entirely full, the metal rings REFUSE to close, and often times when I put the binder down the rings will burst open and drop a few of the pages of DVDs out so the next time i go to open it they just fall. A seriously terrible purchase.

Runs HOT!

Rosewill RX35-AT-SU BLK Aluminum 3.5" Black SATA USB 2.0 External Enclosure
Rosewill RX35-AT-SU BLK Aluminum 3.5" Black SATA USB 2.0 External Enclosure

Pros: It works plug n play, it holds the harddrive. that's about all it needs to do.

Cons: RUNS REALLY REALLY HOT! I currently have 3 external hard drives plugged into my computer (all with the same internal hard drive inside of them) and out of all the 3 enclosures this one runs EXCEEDINGLY hot even while idling and not being accessed, I am even uncomfortable leaving it turned on at this heat.