Melissa B.

Melissa B.

Joined on 04/20/12


Product Reviews
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Most Critical Review


Roxio Game Capture HD Pro
Roxio Game Capture HD Pro

Pros: There are only a few pros to this product released by Roxio. Really the only beneficial one is the fact that it supports HDMI input and output. This is all I can come up with.

Cons: This product does not go well with Windows 8 at all. The product will not work and most of the time will freeze when in use with windows 8. Also the website is not very stable. Also the servers for Roxio tend to be down quite a bit and do not allow me to access their website. The customer support is atrocious. I asked one specific question in a dozen different ways so they could understand it and they were still unable to understand what my problem was. Instead they acted is if I were at fault and tried to make me feel as if I was insignificant. All they care about is getting your money. Once they get their money, the rest is up to you. Good luck to all who want to purchase this product but I highly recommend buying something else. This products price should be cut in half.