Micomp has been a Refurbished equipment distributor and solutions provider in the state of Illinois for over 25 years.
We aim to ensure you receive a computer that is reliable for years to come.
Our products go through a rigorous, comprehensive hardware tests & inspection to eliminate any faulty components.
This includes a capacitor evaluation to make sure they are not swollen or leaky.
We only offer Grade A products in overall excellent to very good cosmetic condition.

Additionally, electronic waste is a growing environmental problem and it is our collective responsibility to keep hazardous materials out of our water sources. As we rely more and more on technology in everyday life, the rate of technological advancements is also increasing exponentially. Unfortunately, this also leads to a growing stockpile of used electronics that get dumped into landfills, spilling toxic run-off into our streams, lakes, and oceans..
When we upgrade and refurbish our products, we give them the edge they need to compete with newer technologies. By purchasing our premium quality products, you are directly keeping our planet healthier by keeping these rock-solid veteran computers out of the landfill. Our rock-bottom prices are just a perk!
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