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RAM (computer memory) FAQs

RAM prices are always changing and, while this is not the case for all retailers, the cheapest prices tend to be around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The release of new generations of RAM hardware tends to push the prices of older RAM down.

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Both an increase in the amount of RAM and the speed of the RAM can increase game performance on your PC in regards to frames-per-second (FPS). Especially at resolutions where CPU is important like 1920×1080 or in certain games that have a heavy reliance on CPU.

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Yes, RAM memory can cause stuttering, especially if your RAM is a slower speed or the amount of RAM you have is less than recommended for applications or games. This will be more apparent when running demanding processes like PC games.

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RAM is memory that the computer uses to launch a program or store temporary data. It cannot be permanently written to or used to store data long term.

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Currently, the best RAM for PC gaming is DDR4 RAM. Speeds 3000MHz or higher for Intel, 3600MHz or higher for AMD.

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Laptop RAM is different from desktop RAM, and they are not interchangeable. Check to see what kind of RAM your laptop requires and to make sure that it is possible to install the new RAM in your system. To browse laptop RAM, visit Newegg’s Laptop RAM page. []

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Not all RAM is compatible with every type of motherboard. It is always best to use a compatibility checker when checking RAM compatibility or the Preferred Vendor List on the motherboard manufacturers website. Looking at what is supported at the highest speed for your motherboard is to the best way to ensure you get RAM that is compatible.

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RAM is located on the motherboard of the computer adjacent to the CPU socket in DIMM slots that are installed side-by-side. Most users don’t need more than 4 slots, but motherboards can have 2, 4, 6, 8, or even 16 DIMM slots.

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Laptop RAM is different from desktop RAM, and they are not interchangeable. Check to see what kind of RAM your laptop requires and to make sure that it is possible to install the new RAM in your system. To browse laptop RAM, visit Newegg’s Laptop RAM page.

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Not all RAM is compatible with every type of motherboard. It is always best to use a compatibility checker when checking RAM compatibility or the Preferred Vendor List on the motherboard manufacturers website. Lookin at what is supported at the highest speed for your motherboard is to the best way to ensure you get RAM that is compatible.

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Consult your motherboard’s manual first as it details the correct place! In most cases if you only have 2 RAM sticks (a.k.a. DIMMS) and there are 4 slots on the motherboard, you should use the 2nd & 4th slots (A2 and B2). If you have 4 slots and 4 DIMMs, put the other two modules in the 1st and 3rd slots (A1 and B1).

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The ideal speed for a Ryzen 7 3700x CPU is a 3600MHz RAM. If you can’t do 3600MHz, then 3000MHz or faster is at least recommended.

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Out of the box, RAM will usually operate at the lowest speed. You can enter the BIOS to adjust its speed, either manually or via XMP (for Intel) or DOCP (for AMD). If you are manually changing your RAM’s timings, make sure you are aware of its capabilities and limits. Incorrectly overclocking hardware can damage it.

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Both an increase in the amount of RAM and the speed of the RAM can increase game performance on your PC. Especially at resolutions where CPU is important like 1920×1080 or in certain games that have a heavy reliance on CPU.

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Both an increase in the amount of RAM and the speed of the RAM can increase the speed of your computer.

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