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Buying Guide: Gearing Up for School? Protect it!

By July 22, 2014No Comments

My laptop barely survived college and it wasn’t cheap.

My high school graduation gift from my parents was a shiny new (and very expensive) laptop. They were so proud that I was going off to college, they wanted to give me something special that would last me all four years. Little did they know that they would spend more money on this computer than they did on my first semester’s tuition.

It all started the first week of classes when I decided it would be wise to take my laptop to the gym. “I’ll do my homework in between sets!” I told myself, patting myself on the back because of my genius. The next day as I explained to my parents how the sweat on my hands had caused me to drop my computer on top of metal weights, they called me something else that wasn’t a genius.

Unfortunately, my parents had neglected to purchase an insurance plan with the laptop. When we took it in to the store and explained what had happened to the manager, he told us they could fix it for a hefty fee. I needed the computer so my parents paid.

“Don’t worry, I learned my lesson. It will never happen again.” I reassured them.

Two months later when I dropped the computer in the cafeteria — this time due to slippery hands caused by eating Jell-O without a utensil — I took it back to the store by myself and pleaded with the manager to cut me a deal because I was a starving college student.

“I’m sorry, you don’t have insurance and we’ll have to charge you again.” explained the manager.

Needless to say, my parents were not thrilled to have to replace my non-operational hard drive once again. By the time I graduated four years later, my parents had also replaced two lost power adapters, one cracked screen and about four keyboard keys. The worst part about it is that I actually took good care of my laptop, but everyday college life was just too much to handle.

Seemingly harmless scenarios like walking to my next class or studying in the library were all potential hazards for my computer. Looking back, it’s actually impressive that I didn’t damage my laptop even more. I consider myself lucky that I was able to graduate with the same computer four years later despite my parents having to fork over so much cash for repairs.

If you’re going back to school soon and are gearing up with Newegg, don’t make the same mistake I did — insure your purchases. A simple warranty service would have saved my parents over one thousand dollars and me the embarrassment of having to ask them for money. A warranty service not only gives you peace of mind, it also lets you focus on what’s important: your education.

This week is “DIY Week” here at Newegg and we’re offering huge discounts up to 53% (plus an extra 10% if you pay with bitcoin) on everything you need for school. Computer hardware, mobile accessories, dorm room essentials and much more are all ready to go to class with you and help you ace next semester. We want these gadgets to last until you graduate so we’re also offering you a brand new warranty service called “Protect it! for Dorm Life.”

The Protect it! for Dorm Life warranty service is unique from others because it covers a total of seven products for one school year. This means your computer, tablet, TV, gaming system, refrigerator, microwave and printer will receive hassle-free repairs or replacements from damage caused by everyday use. You won’t have to worry about drops, spills and other dorm room accidents that can take a toll on your parent’s pocketbook.


What’s Covered

  • Mechanical and electrical failures on all seven products
  • Accidental Damage from Handling (ADH) such as drops, spills and cracked screens on select mobile devices
  • Onsite repairs for refrigerators and TVs (larger than 42″)
  • 100% parts and labor
  • Products under four years of age

Your college years are supposed to be about having fun, not worrying about your gadgets. That’s why Newegg not only helps you save money on purchases, but also helps you prevent having to buy them again. For the sum of $199.99, the Protect it! for Dorm Life warranty service will make sure you’re covered for the entire school year and keep your parents happy.

Protect it! And good luck next semester!

Purchase the Protect it! for Dorm Life warranty service and read the complete set of Terms and Conditions.

Author Ivan Barajas

More posts by Ivan Barajas