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Buying Guide: Gearhead Black November

By November 10, 2014No Comments


Newegg is famous for selling the best computer hardware available today. Whatever you need to make your PC powerful is only a few clicks away, and our prices are among the lowest you’ll find anywhere online. But did you know we can also help you soup up your ride?

While our recently launched automotive website — Nutrend — is committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted name brands at ultra-competitive prices; you can also find great Black November deals at Newegg’s Automotive Marketplace.

Whether you’re looking for car electronics, performance parts, or tools, Newegg sells it all and more. If you’re looking to upgrade your car or are trying to find the perfect gift for the car nut in your life, then look no further.

Here are the best presents any gearhead could ask for:

Nobody wants to get into an accident but it happens every single day. Unfortunately, many people also try to take advantage of innocent drivers and their insurance companies by filing false claims. By installing a video recorder in your car you’ll not only be able to prove who’s at fault during an accident, but you’ll also be able to capture views that make you a better driver.

The only thing worse than getting into an accident is getting stranded, but that’s exactly why you should always be prepared for that scenario. With a trusty power bank in your trunk, you’ll never have to ask someone to jumpstart your car again. It also comes in handy for those times you need a flashlight or simply want to charge your car’s battery to full capacity.

Let’s face it: Driving below the speed limit isn’t fun. Unfortunately, it’s illegal to do otherwise. If you’re a speed demon who simply can’t keep his foot from pushing the pedal to the metal, a radar detector will alert you whenever a speed trap is nearby. Stick it on your dashboard and slow down whenever you have to and stop getting speeding tickets! (Check with local laws to make sure you’re not in violation when a radar detector.)

Engine compartments are full of tight spaces and cramped quarters. If you’re having a hard time looking inside every nook and cranny, then a videoscope will let you inspect those hard-to-reach crevices. Before you shell out big bucks to a mechanic, inspect your car and see for yourself what the problem is. You never know, you may just be able to fix it yourself.

Anyone that works on cars knows they need proper lighting to get the job done. And if you’re going to light up the garage, you might as well be comfortable. LED light bulbs not only offer a traditional lighting feel, they are also environmentally friendly and help reduce energy costs. Stock up on light bulbs whenever you can because you can never have too many.

Working on your car isn’t always easy, but that doesn’t mean it always has to be hard. With an impact driver kit you’ll be able to perform many difficult tasks that typically require the assistance of a professional mechanic. Let the tools do the work and never worry about loosening frozen bolts again. Pro tip: This tool also works wonders inside your home!

Trying to figure out what’s wrong with your car can be difficult. Thankfully, your smartphone can help you find the solution. With a scan tool you’ll be able to wirelessly check your car’s computer and diagnose the problem all from an app inside your smartphone. Before you take your car to the mechanic the next time your Check Engine Light comes on, save some cash and figure out what’s wrong by yourself.

If you’re going to work on your car this winter, you should probably think about keeping your garage warm. And with a portable heater you’ll be able to stay toasty no matter what the temperature is outside. Portable heaters are also great for your home or office so you’ll keep the cold away no matter where you are!

Newegg Automotive: Reliable Quality and Reasonable Price

Are you still stuck and don’t know what to buy for the car-lover in your life? Visit the Newegg Automotive marketplace and find parts for any vehicle with our handy selector tool. Everything from car care products to accessories are on sale all Black November long so you’re sure to find the perfect gift.

Author Ivan Barajas

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