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The 5 Best Videos About the iPhone 6

By September 26, 2014No Comments

The iPhone 6 has been available for one week now and the consumer response has been interesting to say the least. There have been reports of iPhones bending, accusations of Apple copying Android, and many serious problems being associated with iOS 8. Yet, despite all the negative press, this has been the most successful iPhone launch ever.

The iPhone 6 is definitely the most talked-about iPhone since the first model came out in 2007. And one of my favorite places to gauge people’s reactions to Apple’s latest flagship device is YouTube, where it’s no-holds-barred and anything goes.

Here are my five favorite YouTube videos about the iPhone 6:

1. The First iPhone 6 Sold in Perth Was Dropped Right Out of the Box

Imagine waiting in line for several hours and spending hundreds of dollars on a brand new iPhone 6. Now imagine the iPhone 6 dropping onto the sidewalk the moment you open the box. This may sound like your worst nightmare, but it actually happened to a man from Australia named Jack Cooksey. To make matters worse, it happened on live TV and will live on forever in YouTube infamy.

2. People Start Noticing Their iPhone 6 Plus is Bending and “Bendgate” is Born

The only thing I can think of that’s worse than dropping your new iPhone on the sidewalk is having it permanently disfigured by keeping it inside your pocket. After several people began reporting their new iPhone 6 Plus looked a little “crooked”, Lewis from Unbox Therapy decided to find out for himself if it was true. What he discovered is a major design flaw that has turned into a PR nightmare for Apple.

3. Dropping iPhone’s is Fun!

As much as I hate the thought of someone dropping their brand new iPhone 6 on accident, I take great pleasure in watching someone do this on purpose. There’s an entire genre of “drop-test” videos floating around YouTube where people let their expensive gadgets fall to the floor and find out how durable they really are — and nobody does this better than PhoneBuff.

4. How Does the iPhone 6 Compare to a Samsung Galaxy S5?

Many wise men have said “comparisons are odious”, but that didn’t stop Android Authority from comparing the best of Apple with the best of Samsung. The two companies are notorious for despising each other and comparing them has led to one of the most heated YouTube comments section debates ever. There may be other Android phones to compare with the iPhone 6, but nothing gets as much attention as an S5.

5. The iPhone 6 Plus May Be Too Big

Many people are hesitant to make the switch to a phablet. And if you’ve been using an iPhone for a while, the iPhone 6 Plus will probably feel like an iPad instead of a smartphone. Fortunately, Ty’s iHelp has made a great video that shows you what it’s like to use an iPhone 6 Plus in everyday situations before you make the decision to buy one.


The iPhone 6 is the first iPhone that’s actually different. Not only does it (finally) have a bigger screen, it’s also the first iPhone design without the input of Steve Jobs. And while there’s no way of knowing how Mr. Jobs would react to the publicity given to the new iPhone, it’s hard not to think about it.


So, what would Steve Jobs do? What do you think he would say about the iPhone 6? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

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