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The SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 3

By July 17, 2015No Comments
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

After many years my MP3 player has finally sung its last song. After a few attempts to repair it, it was time for an upgrade. Rather than trying to find another tiny player, I decided it would a good time to upgrade to something a little more car friendly. So I found this Samsung tablet to be the right solution for me.


The Samsung Galaxy Tab features a 7” screen with 8GB memory for storage and a 1.2Ghz Dual core processor. It’s running Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and has a screen resolution of 1024×600 with built in support for WIFI and Bluetooth. This makes it easy to join a network wherever I am. Sure the specs aren’t the most amazing in this day and age, but it is good enough for my purposes, and at a price point where I won’t worry if it cooks a little in the sun.


Samsung Angle

It’s a 7” screen makes it easy to navigate songs while not being too distracting while driving. Having a built in camera in the car is great for life events or getting visual proof in case of a car accident. It has a solid battery life that’s estimated to last 8 hours. It’s spent plenty of time with me on the road and at the restaurant without me worrying about recharging. And it’s good enough to check email while watching TV or something to keep you busy in waiting rooms. For those who are a fan of adventure time, I call my tablet BMO since it’s a bright blue color and probably means I won’t lose it or mix it up with other plain tablets here in the office. The android OS was easy to pick up and navigate. I was listening to music and browsing within a few minutes. It starts up fast too.



I wish there were more space initially as the OS and apps takes up some room. But this is quickly fixed with a micro SD card upgrade. Lack of forward facing camera and flash option prevents me from using skype or taking pictures at night. And even though it’s a 7” screen, the buttons still feel small and I find myself pressing with edge of my finger to hit smaller links especially while browsing.


Samsung Logo

It’s a fun Samsung device and a great addition to the car or the home. It saves me from going downstairs and firing up the pc and keeps me on the couch with the family. I’m hoping this can last long enough for my daughter to play games on it too. It’s a good budget device that does just enough of everything to always be useful. I can see myself using it for years to come.

Author Dennis Kralik

A Newegg Insider contributor

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