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Awesome New Shows Any Science Fiction Fan Should Watch

By December 25, 2015August 21st, 2019No Comments
The Expanse

The Expanse

We live in a constantly changing content world where Netflix has swallowed up a large share of the media most Americans consume to the point where it has forced standard cable to evolve or die. Syfy is showing up with some big budget shows which feel like they could have easily been box office contenders this year. I enjoy Syfy and thankfully during these last few years they have changed and it feels like its heading back in the right direction.

The Expanse

The Expanse officially launched on December 14th, but you can preview an episode now on your favorite provider. The show is pretty good. It’s classified as a space opera or mystery and it has all the makings of a good show. So far the effects have been clean, the locations feel well designed and the characters are starting to show their intentions. What I’m really hoping for here is another Battlestar Galactica. The remake is one of the few futuristic shows around which really seem to grab the future and shake it up. The funny thing about watching this pilot is being immediately reminded about Elite dangerous. The ships, mining in space and the conflicts feel like these two worlds of entertainment are connected. The Expanse show has filled the gap made by the lack of storyline in Elite. The show switches between 3 different locations. The Expanse covers Earth, Mars, deep space and mining along the asteroid belts. This could easily be my favorite show for 2016.

Childhood’s End

Another notable miniseries which aired recently was based on the book with the same name by Arthur C Clark. The show feels like Independence Day, 2001 Space Odyssey and Contact rolled into one. It challenges faith, world leadership and explores the concept of what makes us human. It foretells a dark image of the future, even if everything is given to us. It’s another show which feels just right. I wish the CGI on the ships was just a little more polished, but overall it’s a great miniseries and worth watching.


Hunters is another show coming to Syfy in April. It looks to be a serious cross between Men in back, CSI and Predator. The show starts off sounding like your typical terrorist threat and morphs into a search for an FBI agent’s wife following the trail of clues. It looks to be another good edgy cop show with a Sci-fi vibe. It sounds like another good show to watch.


While colony isn’t on Syfy, it’s on their sister station USA. It also offers a sweet futuristic story.
Colony is a bit of a mystery to me, but again, it’s a cross between modern technology, aliens and their own vision of the future. The trailers so far show a future of aliens occupying a city, drones and a great wall extending across the mountains.

The future is bleak, and I love it

Overall it seems like Syfy has a pretty strong lineup. There are plenty of cool shows worth watching. I hope they continue this new trend of awesome entertainment.

What shows or movies are you looking forward to this year? Let us know in the comments.

Author Dennis Kralik

A Newegg Insider contributor

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