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Four reasons to play more video games

By February 3, 2012December 5th, 2017No Comments

You love video games. You can play them for hours without ever getting bored. But the problem is, some people may not approve of your gaming for such long periods of time and suggest you pick up a new hobby.  Something more… “productive.”

Well, we’re here to help with that. Below are four legitimate reasons why video games are beneficial and basically good for you:

  1. Playing video games helps treat lazy eye – A study conducted by vision researchers at the University of California, Berkeley has found that playing video games can actually help improve the vision of adults with amblyopia, or lazy eye. The participants of the study experienced improved visual acuity and 3D perception after spending 40 hours playing video games.
  2. Video games and virtual realities can help stroke victims – Findings from research published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation indicate that playing computer games can improve a patient’s recovery from paralysis after a stroke. The study found that using computer games and robotic training aids improved both arm and hand functions.
  3. Video games let you be your ideal selfScientists at the University of Essex wanted to know what made people love video games so much. They found that it has to do with the fact that video games allow people to act the way they wish they could in real life – brave, daring, bold. It’s a way to use your imagination to be who you have always wanted to be.
  4. People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may benefit from video games – A study conducted at the University of Oxford found that some games may help people with PTSD. The game that researchers found to be particularly helpful in reducing stressful flashbacks was Tetris.

There you have it. Four research-proven reasons why video games are useful. Do you have other reasons why people should play video games? Let us know in the comments section!

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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