Unlock access to millions of customers and accelerate your business with powerful tools for growth, all in one place.
Apply today and start selling in 5 business days!*
Before you jump in, here’s a quick checklist of what you’ll need:
Tap the arrow icon and swipe to the left for details.
Documents Needed | Domestic | Canada | China | Other |
Valid photo IDID Card, Driver’s License, or Passport. |
Most recent W-9/W-8 formMust include tax ID/Federal Business Number, signed, and dated within 1 year. |
Bank account documentVoided check, bank statement or bank reference letter from the registered legal business. Must clearly show account holder name and account number matching the information provided. |
SS4 Confirmation Letter, Articles of Incorporation, OR Business Tax Return.Please note: If no one owns more than 25% and a control prong is being used, a Company Operating Agreement Document will be required. |
Business License | ||||
Picture / VideoFactory, equipment, certificates, trademarks, inventory, sales order/invoice from within the last 3 months for products you are planning to sell on Newegg, award certificate, or office setting with company name |
*Actual onboarding time may vary depending on the seller’s ability to complete all required steps, including but not limited to submitting necessary documentation, completing verification processes, configuring shipping settings, and creating product listings. Timeframes may be longer due to unforeseen delays or factors beyond our control.
Set up your shipping and return preferences
Choose the best shipping & returns experience for your business
Customize shipping rates & delivery speeds for your shipments
Configure your return policies for a seamless customer return experience
List your products
Effortlessly upload your products using the tools available on our platform:
Partner with a Newegg solution provider to import your items
Sync large catalog of products seamlessly via API integration
Register your items in promotional campaigns to maximize visibility
Ship your orders
Choose the best shipping & returns experience for your business
Customize shipping rates & delivery speeds for your shipments
Configure your return policies for a seamless customer return experience
Get paid!
Get paid fast – say goodbye to waiting weeks for your hard-earned cash!
Customer receives order
Newegg confirms your settlement after 7 days
Payments will be authorized every Wednesday
Cha-Ching! Funds deposited into your account