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Jonathan Pickard

4 Principles for Creating Unique Product Listings

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Boosting your Marketplace Listings in Search Engine Rankings

If you’re a marketplace seller you may think your product listings’ rank on search engines like Google and Bing is beyond your control. In reality, most marketplace sellers can impact one of the most important search ranking factors: product content. Highlighting the importance of on-page content, Google’s own guide to search engine optimization (SEO) states, “Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed…”. Creating “compelling and useful content” starts with creating unique content that searchers can’t find elsewhere. By crafting original product descriptions, marketplace sellers can separate their product listings from the throng of other pages and websites on the internet. Here are 4 guidelines for developing unique product content for your marketplace listings:

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3 Reasons to Sell on Multiple E-Commerce Marketplaces

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You’ve probably heard the age old financial advice to diversify or to put it another way, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. This principle of diversification isn’t just sage advice for investors but also for online retailers. As e-commerce retail continues to grow (15.1% last year alone), online marketplaces are becoming a go-to choice for consumers with 50% of online retail sales occurring on marketplaces. For most retailers the question is no longer, “should I sell on a marketplace?”, but rather, “how many marketplaces should I sell on?”. Here are 3 reasons why you should sell on more than one online marketplace: Read More