Since you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware that selling online is a great way to generate revenue. You probably are also aware that online marketplaces like Newegg Marketplace can account for a substantial portion of your online sales. So whether you’re already selling on Newegg or are interested in increasing sales online more broadly, we’d like to introduce you to the host of promotional tools – from sales promotions to Sponsored Product Ads to offsite SEM ads – available in our Seller Portal.
Before we dive in, however, exactly what are online marketplaces? In short, they are e-commerce platforms that enable third party sellers – that’s you! – to easily list and sell their goods to customers. Some people consider the term “online marketplace” synonymous with selling on Amazon – but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
In fact, ranked in the top 10 for overall satisfaction by readers, Newegg is among the best online marketplaces for specialty items like PC hardware, gaming peripherals and consumer technology, and our reach into newer categories continues to grow. Best of all, it’s easy to set up a Newegg Seller Account. And once you are up and running, the promotional opportunities are myriad! So now let’s jump into them.
The 3 Key Levers of Success on Newegg Marketplace
- Newegg Sales Campaigns
Followers of our blog may already be aware of the four promotional sales campaigns available in our Seller Portal to help you maximize sales on Newegg. They are: the Leaderboard, Shell Shocker, Deal Drops and Group Buy campaigns. For inclusion in each of these promotions, you simply designate which of your products are available with limited-term sale pricing. We encourage you to read our recent blog post to learn more about how to maximize sales with promotions campaigns in the Newegg Seller Portal.
- Advertising on Newegg
Advertising is a quick way to drive the visibility of your products on Newegg, and contrary to popular belief, it is not too expensive for sellers. In fact, sponsored ads through Newegg have been specifically designed with the cost concerns of our sellers in mind.
Sponsored Products Ads boost the visibility of your products when a customer searches for certain related keywords on our site! Simply specify the product/s you want to promote and specify the keywords you want associated with them. When customers search for these keywords (single words, word combinations or phrases), your product ad appears among the listings.
What makes Sponsored Products Ads so easy for sellers? You don’t pay a cent unless a customer clicks on your listing (called “pay-per-click”)! You can raise or lower the placement of your ad among the rest of the product listings by simply allocating more or less money for a given keyword (called a “bid”). And you can set maximum daily and total campaign budgets, so you’ll never spend more than you have.
Perhaps you’re new to keywords? No problem. You can manually choose keywords but you don’t need to – simply allow Newegg’s proprietary relevancy algorithms to automatically match your ads with relevant keywords. See our Seller Academy for a more in depth look at keyword strategies on Newegg Marketplace.
Sponsored Headline Ads and Sponsored Video Ads rely on the same keyword targeting approach but offer different ad options. For Sponsored Headline Ads, your product appears more prominently as a headline banner above the regular product listings. Sponsored Video Ads appear in the same location as well, with the same top banner placement, but showcase your video content for extra impact. If you want to give products an extra boost, Sponsored Headline and Video Ads may be the trick you’re looking for.
Advertising offsite
The above options are great for increasing the visibility of your products on Newegg, but what if you want to increase their visibility elsewhere (to boost a Group Buy or other promotion, for instance).
Our Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Tool enables you to promote products offsite across multiple search platforms, including Google product listing ads (PLA), Bing Shopping Ads and Newegg affiliates. Utilizing the same keyword strategies as in Sponsored Product Ads, SEM campaigns can open you up to an even broader market–the entire internet–to build brand awareness and promote your products!
Finally, for the best of both worlds, you might want to consider our Sponsored Display Ads. These ads increase your reach, appearing as banners on Newegg, as well as on 3rd party sites using Google APIs. Creating Sponsored Display Campaign is simple, with robust analytics on ad performance so you can refine your budget and featured products.
- Shipped by Newegg
While not technically a promotional tool because it is neither a sale campaign nor advertising, our Shipped by Newegg is a great way to be seen and increase sales. Why is that? Because sellers who utilize our Shipped by Newegg order fulfillment typically have a leg up on customer service, leading to higher seller rating overall and, as a result, more prominent placement on the Newegg site. Here are a few reasons why:
- Customers who purchase Shipped by Newegg products receive our world-class 24/7 customer service. That’s right, our team is standing by to handle shipping, returns and exchanges for you.
- Sellers who use Shipped by Newegg save time, freeing them to focus on what matters: driving sales. And they can rest easy knowing we ship our orders within 24 hours 96.6% of the time.
- Shipped by Newegg can increase sales while saving costs. Not only do sellers save on the operating costs associated with fulfillment and inventory storage, their product pages display a unique “Shipped by Newegg” logo to boost customer confidence. Similar to other online retailers, customers are more likely to purchase from sellers backed by Newegg.
As you can see, with Newegg Marketplace there is not a single answer for how to increase sales online. And that’s by design. Because each customer differs in how they shop, we’ve purposely provided multiple promotional tools to help you get in front of them.
So try a few out…and happy selling!